No Snag Stainless Steel Stick Weights
(5 Products...6 - 15 lbs)

No-Snag Stainless Steel Stick Weight 

Stainless Steel Downrigger Stick Weight

No-Snag Stainless Steel Thermometer  

Stainless Steel Cylindrical Downrigger Weight  with Dual Scale (C/F) Thermometer

Stainless Steel Powder Coated

Powder Coated 10 lb Downrigger Weight


Our downrigger system includes thermometer weight, 1 tuff mutha snubber, stacker release and blade troll

Stainless Steel 
Halibut Weight

2lb stainless steel Halibut Weight

"I've gotten a lot of positive response about your weights from clients who have used them first hand and from other guides during the seminars I often give at Cabela's in Reno."

Marc Christophel
Christophel's Guide Service (LINK)
Stampede - Donner - Boca Lakes

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