Stacker Release float and no slip clip

No-Slip Stacker Release

Our Stacker Release features  our unique clothes-pin style clip with a no slip design (please see the pic on the far right). 
This allows placement anyplace on the main downrigger cable so you can stack more than one release on a single weighted cable.
  • Premium Stainless Steel hardware
  • Non-slip placement (stacking) anywhere on the main cable
  • 48" long 
  • Hi Vis float for easy retrieval
  • Crimp construction

Of course, you don't have to stack it - you can use it just like any release.
PLUS-The Hi-Vis float brings it to the top where it is easy to spot and retrieve.

(please click the pic for a closer look)

featuring our No-Slip Clip

No slip clip tight grip stainless

To get a closer view of the premium quality and unique construction of our Stainless Steel No-Slip Clip, please click on the pic. 



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