Mailing List Sign Up


Every once on a while something unusual happens at Bottom Line Tackle such as:
  • a site revision (such as the one that you are looking at right now)
  • a time limited coupon
  • a "buy a certain quantity, get 1 free" temporary offer (get your  buds together and divy up the price)
You get the idea of the purpose of this list.

If you would like to receive notification of such an occasional event, please enter your e-mail address into the box on the right. You are not obligated to do so in anyway. Nor will you receive anything from us other than information by joining our mailing list.

We WILL NOT sell or share your email address with anyone! No one! Anybody!
We WILL NOT send you any unsolicited material, only items of the nature described above.

We DO respect your privacy as much as we guard our own.

Sign up Here

After you click the button, you will recevie an email with a link to verify that the email address you entered is valid.

You may stop receiving emails from us at any time by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of all messages. 



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